Lucky Socks for Bug Bounties

Presented at PancakesCon 2 (2021) Virtual, March 21, 2021, 2:15 p.m. (45 minutes)

I am a knitter, I knit a lot, I half the average age of my local knitting circle, but it is my passion. One of my favourite things to knit are socks, they are portable, only need 1 needle, you can use amazingly soft yarn, and You can zone out while you make them. Socks are perfect for meditative knitting! More than that, socks you make yourself, they are lucky, how do I know? Well I’m a bug bounty hunter, I knit and I hack companies for money, and the first time I found a bug? It happened when I was wearing hand knit socks and as I knit another pair.

To become a bug bounty hunter you need a few things, one is a knowledge of how the web works, second you need to learn how the tools of the trade work and how to use them, next you need an idea of some of the more common vulnerabilities you can find and how to exploit them, some methods to practice, and finally some lucky socks. In this talk I’ll go over the basics of how to get into bug bounty hunting, what to look for and how to get started. Then I’ll teach you how to knit your very own pair of socks, guaranteeing you bugs!



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