Security & the COTS vendor - an attempt at getting one to understand the other

Presented at Notacon 2 (2005), April 9, 2005, noon (60 minutes).

Deciding on a proposal for the annual vendor's users group conference, I chose to fulfill the request of some fellow users. So I submitted a proposal titled 'Hacked? We can't be cracked!" with the intent to disprove the common paradigm and demonstrate that the system does not have vulnerabilities that could be exploited. To my surprise, the proposal was accepted by the conference planning committee and the vendor. To my bigger surprise, the support individuals at the vendor agreed to support the presentation as well; by setting up and configuring a spare system they have for my presentation development & the actual presentation. What actually happened? How did I protect myself from any retribution? Any aftermath & consequences? Did the presentation come off & how was it received by the conference attendees and the vendor? This presentation is an exploration of the good intentions from a well meaning system administrator with a security mind set, trying to have the vendor & users realize that security is important and critical for their operation.


  • IrishMASMS
    IrishMASMS is an old school hardware & network guy, and has degrees in Management of Information Systems, computer programming, networking technology, micro-computer programming, and aviation/aerospace management. Certainly not a bit-head by any means, but he will figure out how to write some code if forced. After exploring the wonders of the early years with TRS-80's, Mac Plus, and even some Unisys mainframes and a clustered DEC VAX, he is currently employed by a Defense contractor in the information/network security realm. During off time he helps with the local Linux User's Group and other local IT organizations; also enjoys a few LAN parties, attending & presenting at other Cons, his NES, and his cat. No one can confirm or deny that he was a founding member of the 241_Crew, a locally based group of misfits who explore technology and the local music & epicurean scene.


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