The Slashdot Backend for Drooling Idiots

Presented at Notacon 1 (2004), Unknown date/time (Unknown duration)

Unless you've set up a Slashcode site, you've probably not seen the admin backend of Slashdot. This quick talk will show how to navigate within this (relatively simple) system; reject, accept and combine submissions; edit and post stories; and if all goes well, will feature some live Slashdot story posting, always fun. There are some handy anti-troll tools built in, of which a few are even within the ken of a non-programmer like Tim. If time allows, we'll also look at some of the other Slash-based sites out there -- Slash makes for pretty flexible presentation, despite the many slashdot-look-alike sites.


  • Timothy Lord - Slashdot
    Tim Lord has posted more than 8,000 submissions to the Slashdot homepage, currently lives in Seattle, and is single/looking.