Threat Decluttering: Baselining to Spark Joy in your Threat Hunting

Presented at NolaCon 2019, May 17, 2019, 1 p.m. (Unknown duration)

<p>Does your Threat Hunting Spark Joy? Oftentimes security teams are hindered by having a cluttered environment full of legacy and rogue endpoints. This can make threat hunting frustrating and inefficient.</p> <p>Marie Kondo put it perfectly: ""To threat hunt accurately means to put your enterprise assets in order. It's like settling your accounts so that you can take the next step forward.""</p> <p>This presentation will focus on building a better understanding of your environment and how to hunt for unknown threats that lie within.</p>


  • Brian Baskin
    Brian is a Senior Threat Researcher with Carbon Black’s Threat Analysis Unit with a specialty in digital forensics, incident response and malware analysis. Baskin was previously an intrusions analyst for the US Defense Cyber Crime Center focusing on malware and reverse engineering. For over 15 years he has researched responses to cyberthreats. John is a Senior Threat Analyst on Carbon Black's Threat Analysis Unit focusing on automation of threat detection and building out infrastructure for large scale malware analysis. Within the field of threat detection and analysis, John focuses on binary classification, dynamic analysis and Threat Hunting.
  • John Holowczak
    John is a Senior Threat Analyst on Carbon Black's Threat Analysis Unit focusing on automation of threat detection and building out infrastructure for large scale malware analysis. Within the field of threat detection and analysis, John focuses on binary classification, dynamic analysis and Threat Hunting.


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