Snake Charming: Fun With Compiled Python

Presented at NolaCon 2016, May 20, 2016, 1 p.m. (Unknown duration).

This presentation will explore the current state of Python source code obfuscation and introduce some new techniques for obfuscation at the bytecode level. We will examine existing solutions for obfuscating Python code and the weaknesses of them, and then take a crash course on Python internals. We’ll go over a number of ways you can manipulate Python bytecode to act in unintended ways, and thoroughly break and confuse popular Python decompilers and disassemblers.


  • Gabe K
    Gabe wasted the majority of his youth staring at Pokemon ROMs in hex editors. He is currently studying Computer Science at Rochester Institute of Technology where he continues to waste most of his young adulthood staring at things in hex editors.


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