Go Hack Yourself: Moving Beyond Assumption-based Security

Presented at LayerOne 2018, May 26, 2018, 10 a.m. (60 minutes).

You have many security products, probably too many. But you are still not secure because it's nearly impossible to know if your security products are actually doing what you want. Through live network and endpoint attack demonstrations, see how to use attack behaviors with Bartalex, Vawtrak, Mimikatz, PowerShell, Tunneling and others to validate your actual security products are working. See startling statistics, based on real-life case studies, that illustrate how ineffective many organizations, some with massive security budgets and teams, actually are because of a lack of validation. See how you can turn these attacks into an opportunity to instrument more effective security.


  • Mike Sanders
  • Michael Sanders
    Michael Sanders is a security consultant with over 15 years of experience defending IT infrastructure. From humble beginnings of pushing packets and making his way up the stack to defending applications, Mike has experience across almost ever defensive technology space. Mike has helped defend some of the largest organizations in the world across multiple industries, ranging from large retailers in Arkansas to fruit companies in Silicon Valley. Today he's bringing together the folks that break stuff and the folks that are supposed to keep it all running as a senior security engineer with Verodin.


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