Git for Hackers

Presented at LayerOne 2018, May 26, 2018, 2 p.m. (60 minutes)

While a lot of noise has been made about sensitive artifacts being left in git, and several tools exist to analyze git repositories for deleted files, a deep understanding of where and how git stores things (and therefore how such artifacts are being retained) eludes many. NO MORE! Rtzq0 will teach you how git functions, and in doing so you will come to understand the many ways in which things that people think have been deleted have not actually been deleted (and therefore how you might obtain them). Vivent les accidentally comitted private keys!


  • Jason Ritzke / Rtzq0 as Rtzq0
    Rtzq0 is a "DevOps" (whatever the hell that means) consultant, hacker and organizer with DC562, and loves him some karate.


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