Living w/o the Land - Active Directory attacks from Linux

Presented at Kiwicon 2038AD: The Dystopic Future is Now (2018), Nov. 16, 2018, 2:15 p.m. (45 minutes)

Powershell and C# has been the new hotness for 5-6 years now, but with all the AI this and Machine Learning that, one rarely wants to throw that much of your toolkit on disk or even in-memory. Time to head back to the network! This talk will be detailing how directly or via pivots, one can do many of the same recon and attacks against Active Directory with existing tools, and more easily, a new tool.


  • Rob Fuller / mubix as Mubix
    Mubix (Rob Fuller) is a Senior Red Teamer. His professional experience starts from his time on active duty as United States Marine. He has worked with devices and software that run gambit in the security realm. He has a few certifications, but the titles that he holds above the rest is FATHER, HUSBAND and United States Marine.

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