Maintaining a Locksporting Organization and Breakthroughs in the Community

Presented at The Last HOPE (2008), July 18, 2008, 11 a.m. (60 minutes).

This presentation will go into detail about how to start and maintain a locksport organization and how groups like these can lead to influential research. You'll learn how to keep everyone excited about lock picking and how to turn your club into a well oiled machine for years to come. In addition, you'll find out what it takes to produce a good lock picker and see how anyone can influence the lock industry even after only a few months of being on the scene. Jon King's research on high security Medeco locks will be revealed in detail. There will also be a demonstration on how to build a tool to pick high security cylinders, and how the responsible disclosure of exploits in the hardware world can make a positive impact for all involved.


  • Doug Farre
    Doug Farre is the administrative director of Locksport International, president of the Longhorn Lockpicking Club, and former editor-in-chief of Non Destructive Entry Magazine. Doug is interested in all types of security and is currently a Geophysics student at the University of Texas at Austin. He teaches scuba diving in his free time.
  • Jon King
    Jon King has been a hobby lockpicker for three years and is a member of Locksport International. He serves in the U.S. Navy and, in his spare time, builds experimental tools for opening high security mechanical locks.



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