DIY Usability Research: A Crash Course in Guerrilla Data Gathering

Presented at HOPE X (2014), July 19, 2014, 7 p.m. (60 minutes)

Good news: it's becoming abundantly clear that more and more people want to use surveillance circumvention tools to protect their privacy. Bad news: most people can't figure out how to use them. Thankfully, usability research is no longer difficult to arrange or afford. Anyone - developers, designers, and project managers alike - can conduct user testing at any time, in any setting. In this presentation, you will learn everything you need to know to get started on your own qualitative user research, how it can help you understand and solve for your users' needs, and what it means for the future of surveillance circumvention technology.


  • Kaytee Nesmith
    Kaytee Nesmith is a user experience designer and researcher. By day, she leads mobile UX design for a prominent hospitality company; by night, she helps to make a handful of surveillance circumvention tools easier to use. She enjoys whiskey and syntactically significant whitespace.


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