Game Hacking Exposed

Presented at Hackfest 2016, Nov. 5, 2016, 2:30 p.m. (Unknown duration)

Talking about everything needed to hack a game and all the broken concept behind a video game that could be turned into vulnerabilities. Also explaining the basics behind ""game hacking"" and doing quick demo of my research and how dangerous it could be to reverse engineer a game and how easy it is to create a responsive hack when the game engine is leaking to much informations.


  • Mickael Nadeau
    Mickael loves vegetables and a healthy lifestyle. Big fan of harp melodies and classical music. You'll never find him using a computer - you'll have more chance finding him on his yoga mat, invoking the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Joking aside, Mick is a rock singer and a Vulnerability Researcher at Sucuri. You can find him on Twitter at @Mick4Secure.


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