F-Droid: Pimp your Android(-fork) with the best Free Software apps

Presented at Still Hacking Anyway (SHA2017), Aug. 4, 2017, 10:15 p.m. (45 minutes)

F-Droid is a powerful client that is designed to be resilient against surveillance and censorship. Plus, F-Droid is a Free-Software-App-only repository for Android systems and every Android-based fork. I will demonstrate F-Droid and the 10 or so most important apps (IMHO!). Finally, you are invited to let us know your favorite Free Software app via F-Droid. F-Droid is a powerful client that is designed to be resilient against surveillance and censorship. Plus, F-Droid is a Free-Software-App-only repository for Android systems and every Android-based fork. For its competitive character, F-Droid is not available via other "app stores" (like Google Play). You have to download it via your browser once but then it is easy to install and easy to use - and without the need for any account! However, F-Droid also misses any kind of rating system, so the sheer amount of available Free Software apps (2300+) can be overwhelming in the beginning. After a short introduction about Android and the Free Software world, I will demonstrate F-Droid with its anarchic and anti-censorship features. Next, I will come up with the 10 or so most important apps (IMHO!). Finally, I like to open up the stage for you and your favorite F-Droid app. You can explain the app with your words and by showing its webpage. In general, participants are invited to install F-Droid and every demonstrated app during the talk. Bring your own device and let us turn this talk into an interactive one!


  • Erik Albers
    Hello. I do communication and community coordination at the FSFE. Find more info on my FSFE page: https://fsfe.org/about/albers/albers


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