Coffee Machines & JavaScript: Learn hardware hacking with JavaScript

Presented at Still Hacking Anyway (SHA2017), Aug. 6, 2017, 5:30 p.m. (60 minutes)

Home automation should make our lives easier, but my Echo can't make me coffee. As a developer who turns caffeine into code, this is unacceptable. The only thing to do was use code to make coffee. This is the story of how I hacked an API onto my coffee machine. We'll look at why you would chose JavaScript to hack on hardware, what you need to do to take control of a coffee machine (without too many shocks), and what other things we can do with JavaScript and hardware. We will also do some hands on coding with hardware and JavaScript. <strong>If you want to participate bring a computer with Node.js installed.</strong> As we wrap up with a look at what's next for my project, you'll be dreaming of the gadgets in your house that you can't wait to rip open and give an API.


  • Dominik Kundel
    <a href="">Dominik</a> is a Developer Evangelist for <a href=">Twilio</a> serving developer communities in Berlin and around the world. He has a passion for JavaScript, hackathons, teaching and good whiskey. You will usually find him speaking at meetups and conferences, mentoring at hackathons and CoderDojos or work on open source projects.


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