Hacking around with Satellite, Aerospace, Avionics, Maritime, Drones: Crashing/Exploiting at the speed of SDR.

Presented at Disobey 2024, Feb. 17, 2024, 4 p.m. (60 minutes).

Hacking around with Satellite, Aerospace, Avionics, Maritime, Drones: Crashing/Exploiting at the speed of SDR. This talk is a mashup of 7+ peer-reviewed papers from JYU.fi (yeah, cool top-level research "Made in Finland!") spanning work over 3+ years, where we overview application security in critical domains such as Satellite, Aerospace, Avionics, Maritime, Drones (SAAMD), and how they can be attacked via unprotected interfaces of ADS-B, AIS, ACARS, GDL90, EPIRB and similar protocols.


  • Andrei Costin
    Dr. Andrei Costin is currently a Senior Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Cybersecurity at University of Jyväskylä (Central Finland), with a particular focus on IoT/firmware cybersecurity and Digital Privacy. He received his PhD in 2015 from EURECOM/Telecom ParisTech under co-supervision of Prof. Francillon and Prof. Balzarotti. Dr. Costin has been publishing and presenting at more than 50 top international cybersecurity venues, both academic (Usenix Security, ACM ASIACCS, etc.) and industrial (BlackHat-series, CCC, HackInTheBox, POC, SecWest-series, etc.). Besides the MFCUK MiFare Classic card key recovery tool (incl. Kali, proxmark), he is also the author of the first practical ADS-B attacks (BlackHat 2012) and has literally established the large-scale automated firmware analysis research areas (Usenix Security 2014) - these two works are considered seminal in their respective areas, being also at the same time most cited in their research fields. Dr. Costin is also the CEO/co-founder of Binare.io, a deep-tech cybersecurity spin-off from University of Jyväskylä, focused on innovation and tech-transfer related to (I)IoT cybersecurity/firmware/devices, as well as avionics/aerospace/space cybersecurity.
