Do you ever wonder how cybersecurity laws get crafted? Even how the ideas come up? Too often, legislators and their staffers are looking for ideas on how to close cybersecurity workforce gaps and increase security and resilience across critical infrastructure to combat the ever-increasing cyber-attacks and data breaches. However, not all cybersecurity practitioners are aware of the different avenues they can provide their operational experience, and how they can help legislators and their staffers understand the operational implication of their legislative proposals. If you are interested in learning how to participate in the conversations or pivot into cybersecurity policy to help improve how legal and regulatory frameworks are shaped – then attend this lightening talk! You can help policy decision makers avoid complicating the work of operators and analysts. I’ll go over why your experience and input is needed, which communities to join and events to participate in, and how to pivot into cybersecurity policy field at the Federal, SLTT, or Industry level (including Academia).