I’m a hunter! Cyber Intelligence the new(ish) frontier.

Presented at Diana Initiative 2020 Virtual, Aug. 21, 2020, 1 p.m. (60 minutes).

Threat hunting and cyber intelligence is not new but interest in it is growing, and with good reason. Cyber intelligence helps fill in gapsand hunting helps find hidden threats. It's an important area that doesn't get enough attention. Companies and organizations should understand why knowing their threat space could help them prevent attacks, infections, breaches and other issues. I also hope to show another field in infosec, that might be of interest to those looking for a new area to learn.


  • Yasmine ‘amira Johnston-Ison - Speaker
    Army SIGINT vet who grew up in the intelligence world with a passion for cyber threat intelligence and malware. "A target is a target and a network is a network - human or digital. In the shadows, it’s one in the same." - Yaz


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