Gryffindor | Pure JavaScript, Covert Exploitation

Presented at DerbyCon 8.0 Evolution (2018), Oct. 5, 2018, 4 p.m. (50 minutes)

Network defenses are evolving at an unprecedented rate. Our open source toolkit has become ever more difficult to use while pentesting or red teaming on the top tier of networks. Moving into the next generation of offensive operations, we will need to begin testing with tools that closely mirror legitimate application and network behavior. Gryffindor is a pure JavaScript post-exploitation agent that splits the standard model for command and control. It weaponizes the target’s web browser to perform all network communication and leverages the Windows Scripting Host (WSH) for the purposes of system execution. In this talk we will walk through the model for idealized remote access including the use social media sites as a platform for covert communication. By leveraging inherent JavaScript capabilities, security professionals can acquire interactive sessions within a browser, harvest sensitive information against arbitrary origins, and pivot into internal networks. Between the browser and the host, there is ripe potential for catastrophic damage.



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