Going Deep and Empowering Users - PCAP Utilities and Combating Phishing in a new way

Presented at DerbyCon 7.0 Legacy (2017), Sept. 24, 2017, noon (50 minutes).

In this day and age IDS/IPS sensors which just are not enough to detect and stop all of the threats. We need to go all the way the the packet layer. Joseph Siegmann, CISO, is going to share one approach to enhancing the signature level alerts, and demonstrate real world solutions for malware hunting and automation through the use of full packet captures, along with sharing some custom tools, to enhance any security operation. Joe will also share a new approach to Phishing, and how we can empower the end users when it comes to handling the many phishing events that happen on a daily basis. Joseph is the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for a large multi-national retailer, with more than 25 years in the industry, he has owned and successfully run his own companies, to implementing international infrastructures, to developing pioneering software that has revolutionized industries. He has been coding since he was eight, and holds over 25 professional certifications, is very passionate about anything geeky, is a devoted dad and loving husband, and gets bored easily. @MiddleSiggy



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