DEF CON Academy: Cultivating M4D SK1LLZ In the DEF CON Community

Presented at DEF CON 32 (2024), Aug. 10, 2024, 4:30 p.m. (45 minutes).

DEF CON is a siren song for the hacker mind. Clever people around the world hear it and are pulled, every year, to Las Vegas. They mass by the tens of thousands, streaming through the halls of DEF CON to watch talks given by absolute legends about incredible escapades, to gaze in wonder as true wizards bend bytes to their will in the CTF room, and to dream about one day reaching to those heights themselves. Some have the critical combination of grit, perseverance, raw talent, and (let's face it) privilege to push through to those dreams of greatness. But among even the clever and the motivated, it is rare for n00bs to rise to l33tness without support. Some find this support in inspiring classes in college. Others, among friends or mentors. But many don't find it at all, and remain in the hallways, dreaming. Do you want to leave the hallways and hack the planet? We are hackers, educators, and learners who are creating DEF CON Academy, a concerted effort to maximize hacker potential by providing open, clear, approachable, and inclusive practical resources for budding hackers to transcend and rule cyberspace. Through extensive DEF CON event presence and year-round hacking resources, we will pro up the noobs of the world and bring the community, at scale, to the next level of skill. Come, listen, and learn how we can help! 1. [link]( 2. Connor Nelson, Yan Shoshitaishvili. DOJO: Applied Cybersecurity Education In The Browser. ACM SIGCSE 2024. [link]( 3. Connor Nelson, Yan Shoshitaishvili. PWN The Learning Curve: Education-First CTF Challenges. ACM SIGCSE 2024. [link]( 4. [link]( 5. [link](


  • Perri Adams - Special Assistant to the Director at Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
    Ms. Perri Adams is a special assistant to the director at DARPA, where she advises stakeholders at the agency and across the U.S. government on the next generation of AI and cybersecurity technology. Prior to this role, Adams was a program manager within DARPA’s Information Innovation Office (I2O), where, among other programs, she created the AI Cyber Challenge (AIxCC). Adams has been an avid participant in cybersecurity CTF competitions and was one of the organizers of the DEF CON CTF. She holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and is a proud alumna of the computer security club, RPISEC.
  • Yan Shoshitaishvili / Zardus - Associate Professor at Arizona State University   as Yan "Zardus" Shoshitaishvili
    Zardus (Yan Shoshitaishvili) is an Associate Professor at Arizona State University, where he pursues passions of cybersecurity research (focusing on binary analysis and exploitation) and education. Zardus has competed in CTFs for over 15 years, hosted DEF CON CTF, and led Shellphish’s participation in the DARPA Cyber Grand Challengge. In order to inspire students to pursue cybersecurity (and, ultimately, compete at DEF CON!), Yan created, an open practice-makes-perfect learning platform that is revolutionizing cybersecurity education for aspiring hackers around the world.

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