Designing RFID Implants - How flipping the bird opens doors for me

Presented at DEF CON 31 (2023), Aug. 10, 2023, 2:30 p.m. (45 minutes)

RFID implants are basically RFID credentials that can be installed under your skin. When I discovered there was nothing on the market that worked with my employers badging system I decided that I would just have to make my own. This talk will cover the basics of RFID implants, my journey to design my own implant despite having no electronics experience, and some of the future implications of this technology.


  • Miana Ella Windall - Hacker
    Miana is a lifelong tinkerer who likes breaking things almost as much as she likes building them. She is a bio-hacker and info-sec researcher by night, and a professional software nerd during the day.


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