Breaking TrustZone-M: Privilege Escalation on LPC55S69

Presented at DEF CON 29 (2021), Aug. 8, 2021, noon (45 minutes)

The concept of Trusted Execution Environments has been broadly introduced to microcontrollers with ARM's TrustZone-M. While much experience with TrustZone-A can be applied, architectural differences with ARMv8-M lead to a very different approach to configuration and transitions between secure and non-secure worlds. This talk will deep dive into how TrustZone-M works, where to look for weaknesses in implementations, and a detailed look into NXP LPC55S69's implementation including discovering an undocumented peripheral that leads to a priviledge escalation vulnerability exploitable with TrustedFirmware-M. Finally, NXP PSIRT will be used as a case study in how _not_ to respond to a vulnerability report. REFERENCES: TrustZone technology for the ARMv8-M architecture Version 2.0; ARM; Your Peripheral Has Planted Malware -- An Exploit of NXP SOCs Vulnerability; Yuwei Zheng, Shaokun Cao, Yunding Jian, Mingchuang Qin; DEFCON 26; CON 26/DEF CON 26 presentations/DEFCON-26-Yuwei-Zheng-Shaokun-Cao-Bypass-the-SecureBoot-and-etc-on-NXP-SOCs-Updated.pdf


  • Rick Altherr - Oxide Computer Company
    Rick Altherr has a career ranging from ASICs to UX with a focus on the intersection of hardware and software, especially in server systems. His past work includes USBAnywhere, leading the unification of OpenBMC as a project under Linux Foundation, co-authoring a whitepaper on Google's Titan, and reverse engineering Xilinx 7 Series FPGA bitstreams as part of prjxray. @kc8apf
  • Laura Abbott - Oxide Computer Company
    Laura Abbott is a software engineer who focuses on low level software. Her background includes Linux kernel development with work in the memory management and security areas as well as ARM enablement. @openlabbott


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