Presented at
DEF CON 25 (2017),
July 27, 2017, 10 a.m.
(45 minutes).
Software Defined Networking is no longer a fledgling technology. Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Verizon all rely on the scalability, programmability, flexibility, availability, and yes, security provided by SDN. So why has there only ever been one DEF CON speaker presenting on SDN and security?
This talk will provide a brief introduction to SDN and security, demonstrate ways of compromising and securing a Software Defined Network and will illustrate new ways of using the power of open source SDN coupled with machine learning to maintain self-defending networks.
Jon Medina
- Protiviti
Jon Medina (@ackSec) is a security nerd who has worked in networking and security capacities for everything from the Department of Defense, to the Fortune 500, to state and local government. He currently works for Protiviti providing security consulting for a wide variety of clients and industries. His interests outside of work include traveling, hockey, strange beers, and his bulldog. He's spoken at Shmoocon, BSides, and many other security events and conferences.
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