Phantom Network Surveillance UAV / Drone

Presented at DEF CON 21 (2013), Aug. 3, 2013, 2 p.m. (45 minutes).

DARPA, 2011, sponsored a contest named UAVForge which challenged teams to build a prototype unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Mission: "UAV must be small enough to fit in a soldier's rucksack and able to fly to, perch & stare from useful locations for several hours near targets of interest to provide real-time (visual) persistent surveillance." Long story short: 140 teams participated, no one won. Crashes, remote piloting, & electronics problems all took their toll. Flash forward to 2013 - Technology has improved significantly. Reading the UAVForge story, I was fascinated by the concept of "perch and stare" surveillance. I wondered if this technique could be extended from visual to wireless network discovery & exploitation? Jan. 2013, DJI Innovations introduced a quadcopter known as the Phantom. Phantom quickly gained a reputation as the most stable platform for use in aerial photography and other, small electronics. Phantom uses a GPS autopilot and a "return to home" capability in case the flight goes wrong. So, I decided to become a proud Phantom owner. I built and now fly wireless missions using 2 payloads: [1] Wispy spectrum analyzers, and [2] an Internet-accessible WiFi Pineapple (Hak5). In this presentation you will learn how to successfully outfit & fly a quadcopter equipped with tiny computers, plus utilize wireless survey & exploitation tools. Three missions will be covered: site survey, in-flight wifi discovery, plus extended roof-top wifi pineapple operation.



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