Build your own UAV 2.0 - Wireless Mayhem from the Heavens!

Presented at DEF CON 18 (2010), July 30, 2010, 2 p.m. (50 minutes).

Earlier this year the community was shown how to successfully Build your own Predator UAV @ 99.95% Discount - and a recon mission over DC! But now new payloads take the fun/danger to a new level! Come find out how you can not only easily warfly and conduct aerial reconnaissance for your next 'mission' but also use your UAV as a roving angel of wireless death, as always from the confines of your couch.. Or Vegas hotel room. The presenters will quickly overview how you can build your own UAV drone, and then detail how to outfit it to conduct wireless recon, attack, penetration, and other goodies.. Several demo mission from the Vegas Strip will be presented with video!


  • Michael Weigand - Cadet, West Point
    Michael Weigand has been breaking things and causing trouble since childhood... So he decided to make a career of it! He is currently studying computer science and military art at the United States Military Academy (West Point), with the goal of becoming an Army officer. He spends most of his free time racing sailboats, flying UAVs over officer housing, listening to trance, and working on crazy homebrews he thinks are applicable to the military.
  • Brad Haines / RenderMan - Researcher, Church of Wifi   as Renderman
    Brad 'RenderMan' Haines is one of the more visible and vocal members of the wardriving community, appearing in various media outlets and speaking at conferences several times a year. Render is usually nearby on any wardriving and wireless security news, often causing it himself. His skills have been learned in the trenches working for various IT companies as well as his involvement through the years with the hacking community. A firm believer in the hacker ethos and promoting responsible hacking and sharing of ideas, he wrote the 'Stumbler ethic' for beginning wardrivers and greatly enjoys speaking at corporate conferences to dissuade the negative image of hackers and wardrivers.
  • Mike Kershaw - Author of Kismet, Wireless Guru
    Mike Kershaw / Dragorn is the author of Kismet, LORCON, and other open-source wifi security tools.


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