Weaponizing Cyberpsychology and Subverting Cybervetting for Fun, Profit and Subterfuge

Presented at DEF CON 19 (2011), Aug. 6, 2011, 1 p.m. (50 minutes).

Almost everything we do in life leaves a personality footprint and what we do on social networking sites like Facebook is no exception. During this talk we will examine: • What it is possible to determine about someone's personality from their facebook activity • What to look for when you are trying to identify the most pwnable person in a group • Whether facebook activity can indicate a high probability of having or developing depression • How you could weaponize 'sockpuppets' by giving them certain personality traits • Cybervetting and your rights (or lack of rights) to privacy • Steps you can take to manage or even alter your 'NetRep' (online reputation) We conducted a research project called 'The Big 5 Experiment' with the objective of determining whether there were any significant correlations between a user's facebook activity and their answers to a personality questionnaire called 'The Big Five Inventory'. The Big Five Inventory was created by Prof Oliver John, to measure personality dimensions known as the Big Five. Considering the ubiquity of personality tests such as the Myers-Briggs for employee selection and the growing number of companies adding cybervetting to their selection processes, it can only be a matter of time before we see the two activities merge and at what cost to society? You should leave the talk with an insight into how the Big 5 Experiment results could be used in attack and defense strategies. Should you wish to conduct your own research, related or not, you should also learn from what proved a rather fascinating experience in carrying out the experiment. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/onlineprivacyfoundation


  • alien - Security Consultant
    alien is a DEF CON Goon and the co-organiser of DEF CON London (DC4420). He holds 2 degrees, a Bachelors with Honours in Computer Science, and a Information Security Masters degree from Royal Holloway rather too many years ago for comfort. alien has been an Information Security Consultant/Security Architect across a large number of industries for over 10 years and is currently doing "stuff & things" for a FTSE10 company. Twitter: @alien8
  • Alison B - Security Researcher
    Alison B is a Civil Servant and statistician with a keen interest in privacy issues. Having spent time working for the Defence and the Health sectors, she is fully aware of the power of information and the steps that should be taken to care for individual level data. With a degree in Experimental Psychology, she also has a keen interest in human behaviour and is fascinated by the effects of culture, religion, emotion, authority, genetics and social norms on people and their actions, thoughts and beliefs.
  • Chris Sumner / Suggy - Security Researcher   as Chris "TheSuggmeister" Sumner
    Chris "TheSuggmeister" Sumner has been directly involved in Corporate Information Security at a Fortune <100 since 1999 and has maintained a passion for security since seeing the movie Wargames when it first came out. Chris is currently focused on Security in the Development Lifecycle and previously held the position of worldwide Security Manager for one of the corporation's largest business divisions. Outside the corporate world Chris' interests include Cyberpsychology, Social Networks (a keen tweeter and facebooker), Data Mining and Visual Analytics. Together with a small group of likeminded individuals, he co-founded the not-for-profit (purely for loss) Online Privacy Foundation in order to get security people talking in their communities. Twitter: @TheSuggmeister


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