Proxy Prank-o-Matic

Presented at DEF CON 17 (2009), July 31, 2009, 3 p.m. (20 minutes)

The Upside-Down-Ternet was just the beginning. What else can you do with a proxy server and a mischievous mind? We'll show you how to send your victims back in time (fun with, to the all-porn Internet (is there any other kind?), or to the Tourette-net (Cartman runs the Internets)! Via browser settings or port forwarding, using your Squid server or ours, you'll learn how to torment your friends in 20 fast-paced minutes.


  • "Anonymous secondary speaker"
    The "Anonymous secondary speaker" is more l33t than you. Randomized address spaces spontaneously reorganize in his presence.
  • Charlie Vedaa - Founder @
    Charlie Vedaa is a Network Architect for the FBI's CJIS Division. He is the founder of the PacketProtector project (, an OpenWrt-based security distro for wireless routers.


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