Meet the Feds 2009

Presented at DEF CON 17 (2009), July 31, 2009, 6 p.m. (110 minutes).

Did you ever wonder if the Feds were telling you're the truth when you asked a question? This year we're inviting you to "Meet the Feds and Ex-Feds" to answer your questions. The objective is to get you the answers to your questions without getting a public official fired! Our goal, probably not yours! Come ask your question and compare the answers you get. Each of the agency reps and ex-agency rep will make an opening statement regarding their agencies role, and then open it up to the audience for questions. With representatives from Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3), FBI, IRS, NCIS, NASA, DHS USCERT, DoJ, NSA , National White Collar Crime Center (NWC3), NSA, US Postal IG, Office of the Secretary of Defense, National Defense University and other fine Federal agencies, you will have an abundance of opportunities to attempt to humiliate, harass, threaten, or even bring them to tears. Go ahead hack away and take your best shot. Remember, what is said on this panel in Vegas, stays on this panel in Vegas.. For years Defcon participants have played "Spot the Fed." For the 4th year, the feds will play "Spot the Lamer". Come out and nominate a Lamer and watch the feds burn' em.


  • Mike Convertino - Air Force
    Colonel Michael Convertino, AF Commander of the 318th Information Operations Group Lackland Air Force Base, Texas Colonel Convertino holds bachelors and masters degrees in computer engineering, information systems management, and international security studies and has held numerous assignments supporting intelligence collection and communications operations at both the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency. He has served as a communications and information squadron commander twice, once deployed to Bosnia in support of Predator intelligence drone operations and once in-garrison leading hundreds of airmen in operating of over $300 million in signals intelligence and mission-critical communications assets. He was assigned to the Joint Staff where he overhauled joint data interchange requirements and standards to focus on interoperable intelligence capabilities after 9/11. He has also served as a four-star generals Aide, responsible for planning, coordination and execution of policy statements, public speeches and congressional responses.
  • John Garris - NASA
    John D. Garris, NASA Special Agent in Charge, Computer Crimes Division Office of Investigations, NASA Office of Inspector General John Garris is the Special Agent-in-Charge of the Computer Crimes Division, Office of Investigations, NASA Office of Inspector General. During 2004, then Lieutenant Colonel Garris, was the Chief of the Law Enforcement and Counterintelligence Center for the Department of Defense's (DoD) Joint Task Force for Global Network Operations, Arlington, VA. He was the senior DoD law enforcement agent responsible for coordinating the computer intrusion investigations of all five DoD criminal and counterintelligence investigative agencies. From 2001 to 2004, he was the director, Special Operations Division, Head Quarters, Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), Andrews AFB, MD. He was the U.S. Air Force's single manager for computer crimes investigations, technical services countermeasures, polygraph, and counterintelligence support to Information Operations. While deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom during this time period, he served both as the Squadron Commander for AFOSI personnel stationed in Turkey, and as the Counterintelligence Coordination Authority for Task Force - North, U.S. Central Command. From 1999 to 2001, he was the commander of AFOSI Detachment 253, Lackland AFB, TX. In this position, he oversaw the establishment of the first office dedicated to law enforcement and counterintelligence support to Air Force computer network defense and information operations worldwide. His unit was responsible for the initial investigative response to 82 computer intrusions into Air Force and DoD information systems. From 1997 to 1999, while assigned to the Pentagon, he was the Air Force Inspector General's program manager for computer crime and information operations. He was instrumental in developing DoD's first Computer Forensic Laboratory and Training Program. He also spearheaded the development of AFOSI's participation in DoD's first Joint Task Force for Computer Network Operations. From 1995 to 1997, as AFOSI's International Liaison Officer, he managed programs for international cooperation with counterpart law enforcement and security agencies. He created and directed AFOSI's first program to locate and apprehended fugitives wanted for committing felony crimes. His efforts resulted in the capture of 24 fugitives. From 1990 to 1993, Lt Col Garris was the commander of Det 522, Incirlik AB, Turkey. He directed counterintelligence and antiterrorism support to U.S. and multinational forces in Southeastern Turkey and Northern Iraq. He supervised several investigations of terrorist attacks against U.S. citizens, as well as directed a number of proactive anti-terrorism and criminal investigations in partnership with Turkish law enforcement authorities. He was selected as AFOSI's Officer Special Agent of the Year for 1992. From 1988 to 1990, he served as AFOSI District 69's Counterintelligence Collections Manager, while assigned to Ankara, Turkey. From 1986 to 1987, he served as both Deputy Commander and Commander of the AFOSI Office, Tinker AFB, OK Lieutenant Colonel Garris entered the Air Force in 1984 as a graduate of the Virginia Polytechnic University ROTC program. He commanded AFOSI units in combat zones during operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Provide Comfort, Northern Watch, and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Lieutenant Colonel Garris is married to the former Andrea Harnad of Burke, Virginia. They have two children: Samuel and Maxwell.
  • Barry Grundy - Treasury
    Barry J. Grundy, Treasury Barry J. Grundy recently joined the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) as a Senior Special Agent in the System Intrusion and Network Attack Response Team (SINART). The TIGTA SINART is responsible for conducting computer intrusion and other cyber investigations related to IRS networks, assets and programs. Prior to joining the Treasury Department, Grundy worked for the NASA Office of Inspector General, Computer Crimes Division as the Resident Agent in Charge of the Computer Crimes Division's East Region, responsible for the supervision of criminal investigations related to cyber events at all NASA Centers and facilities east of the Mississippi river. Prior to his federal career, Grundy was employed as a Special Agent for the Ohio Attorney General's Office, Health Care Fraud Unit, where he was responsible for the computer seizure and forensic media analysis support in addition to maintaining a normal health care fraud case load. Grundy served for six years in the United States Marine Corps. All of his active duty service was spent in Reconnaissance Battalions, eventually as a Recon Team Leader, Scout/Sniper, and Combat Diver.
  • Bob Hopper - NW3C
    Robert Hopper, NW3C Mr. Hopper is Manager of NW3C Computer Crime Section is responsible for all aspects of management within the section including staff assigned throughout the country. Mr. Hopper retired with thirty years service with the Arizona Department of Public Safety and thirty-seven years in Law Enforcement. Mr. Hopper's Law Enforcement career included assignments in Narcotics, Air Smuggling, White Collar Crime, Organized Crime and Advanced Officer Training. Mr. Hopper developed and managed the Arizona Department of Public Safety Regional Computer Forensics Lab.
  • Mischel Kwon - USCERT
    Mischel Kwon, USCERT Director, United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team National Cyber Security Division U.S. Department of Homeland Security Mischel Kwon, an IT professional with more than 27 years of experience, was named the Director for the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) in June 2008. As the Director for the US-CERT, Kwon is responsible for the operational mission of the US-CERT. US-CERT is responsible for analyzing and reducing cyber threats and vulnerabilities in Federal networks, disseminating cyber threat warning information, and coordinating incident response activities. Kwon brings a unique blend of hands on experience, academic research and training, and a seasoned understanding of how to build operational organizations from inception. Among her successes at the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), where she was Deputy Director for IT Security Staff; she built and deployed the Justice Security Operations Center (JSOC) to monitor and defend the DOJ network against cyber threats. In addition, she served as the lead project manager for the Trusted Internet Connections (TIC) project at DOJ. The TIC project is a jointly lead project between OMB and DHS. This experience provides a unique perspective in her operational mission at DHS. In addition to the operational role, Kwon lends her experience and drive for providing superior customer service to DHS. Kwon is leading the effort to enhance the US-CERT's ability to disseminate reasoned and actionable cyber security information to key stakeholders, including: federal agencies, industry, the research community, and state and local governments. In tandem with this effort, Mischel is in the process of building and enhancing US-CERT's capability to better protect our nation's Federal Internet infrastructure by coordinating actionable mitigation against and response to cyber attacks. Ms. Kwon holds a Master of Science in Computer Science and a graduate certificate in Computer Security and Information Assurance. In addition, she serves as an adjunct professor at George Washington University in Washington, DC, where Ms. Kwon also runs the GW Cyber Defense Lab. Her interests branch out into cryptology, wireless networks, and antenna theory.
  • Robert Lentz - OSD/NII
    Robert F. Lentz, OSD/NII Mr. Lentz is the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber, Identity and Information Assurance (CI&IA) in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Networks and Information Integration/Chief Information Officer. Since November 2000, he has been the Chief Information Assurance Officer (CIAO) for the Department of Defense (DoD) and, in this capacity, oversees the Defense-wide IA Cyber Program, which plans, monitors, coordinates, and integrates IA Cyber activities across DoD. Mr. Lentz is the Chairman of the National Space INFOSEC Steering Council (NSISC), DoD member of the Presidential Sub-Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS), the leader of the DoD IA Steering Council, and the IA Domain Owner of the Global Information Grid Enterprise Information Management Mission Area. In his capacity as the CIAO, Mr. Lentz is a member of the DoD CIO Executive Council. He is also the DoD liaison to several private sector boards, including the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Strategic Advisory Council, the Common Vulnerabilities & Exposures (CVE) Senior Advisory Council, the International Cyber Center Advisory Board and SAFEcode. Mr. Lentz has over 26 years of experience with the National Security Agency (NSA) in the areas of financial management and technical program management. He has served as Chief of the Space and Networks IA Office, Chief Financial Officer of the NSA IA Directorate, Executive Assistant to the NSA SIGINT Collections and Operations Group and Field Chief of the Finksburg National Public Key Infrastructure/Key Management Infrastructure Operations Center. Mr. Lentz has received the NSA Resource Manager of the Year Award, the Defense Meritorious Service Award, 2006 "Top 20" Award, the 2003 Presidential Rank Award and the 2004 "Federal 100" award. In 2004, Mr. Lentz also received the highest-level honorary award the Department can bestow on a civilian employee, the prestigious Secretary of Defense Distinguished Civilian Service Award. In 2008, he was named Information Security government Executive of the year for the Middle Atlantic region, culminating in his award as the North American Executive of the year. In 2009, he was the recipient of the RSA award for Excellence in the Field of Security Practices. Mr. Lentz is a graduate of the National Senior Cryptologic Course at the National Cryptologic School, Federal Executive Institute (FEI) and the Resource Management Course at the Naval Postgraduate School. He earned a Bachelor's Degree with a double major in History and Social Science from Saint Mary's College of Maryland and a Masters Degree in National Security Strategy from the National War College.
  • Rich Marshall - NSA
    Richard H.L. Marshall, NSA Mr. Richard H. L. Marshall is the Senior Information Assurance (IA) Representative, Office of Legislative Affairs at the National Security Agency (NSA). NSA's Legislative Affairs Office is the Agency's point of contact for all NSA matters concerning Congress and is committed to maintaining a relationship with Congress built on trust, candor, completeness, correctness, consistency, and corporateness. Mr. Marshall has been instrumental in framing critical appreciation by key Senators and Representatives on Information Assurance and its impact on helping to protect the nation's critical infrastructures. As an additional duty, Mr. Marshall also represents NSA in the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Program in Boston, Massachusetts and the Detroit, Michigan areas where he led the effort to establish an International Consortium on Information Assurance. Mr. Marshall is a sophisticated senior executive level leader. He is respected by White House (National Security Council and Homeland Security Council) and Congressional staffers, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Department of the Treasury and private sector leaders - particularly the financial services sector - for his subject matter expertise and skills in policy formulation and ardent advocacy. Mr. Marshall commands a deep understanding and appreciation for the full range of Information Assurance-related legal, legislative and policy issues. He interacts confidently in the most senior levels of government, business and academia. He is a frequent keynote speaker, panelist and moderator at information technology, legal and policy symposia and conferences both here and abroad - to include Black Hat and DEF CON. He is a nationally recognized, respected and articulate advocate of the need for the private and public sectors to work together to improve information assurance and business continuity practices, policies and technology. He has addressed various international, Department of Defense, Army, Navy and Air Force legal conferences on information operations, information assurance and critical infrastructure assurance, twice sharing the podium with the Secretary of the Air Force and once with the former Vice-President of the United States. He has testified before numerous Congressional subcommittees and has distinguished himself as a guest lecturer at the National Defense University (NDU), the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Stanford University, George Mason University, George Washington School of Law, Boston University, Duke University, the University of Virginia, University of Detroit-Mercy, The Harvard Club, and numerous graduate and law schools on a myriad of legal issues related to national security and information assurance. Mr. Marshall was selected by Dick Clarke, the Cyber Advisor to the President to serve as the Principal Deputy Director, Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office (CIAO), Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of Commerce where he led a team of 40 dedicated professionals in coordinating and implementing the Administration's National Security for Critical Infrastructure Protection initiative to address potential threats to the nation's critical infrastructures. He persuasively articulated the business case for enhancing information assurance in government and private sectors, and championed national outreach and awareness of information assurance issues to key stakeholders such as owners and operators of critical infrastructures, opinion influencers, business leaders, and government officials. Before being nominated by the DIRNSA and approved by the SECDEF to serve in an Executive Development assignment to help lead the CIAO, Mr. Marshall served with distinction as the Associate General Counsel for Information Systems Security/Information Assurance, Office of the General Counsel, National Security Agency for over eight years. In that capacity, Mr. Marshall provided advice and counsel on national security telecommunications and technology transfer policies and programs, the National Information Assurance Partnership, the Common Criteria Mutual Recognition Arrangement, legislative initiatives and international law. Mr. Marshall was the legal architect for the Joint Chiefs of Staff directed exercise "Eligible Receiver 97" that spotlighted many of the cyber-vulnerabilities of our nation's critical infrastructures and helped bring focus on this issue at the national leadership level. Mr. Marshall graduated from The Citadel with a B.A. in Political Science; Creighton University School of Law with a J.D. in Jurisprudence; Georgetown School of Law with an LL.M. in International and Comparative Law; was a Fellow at the National Security Law Institute, University of Virginia School of Law in National Security Law; attended the Harvard School of Law Summer Program for Lawyers; the Georgetown University Government Affairs Institute on Advanced Legislative Strategies and participated in the Information Society Project at Yale Law School and in the Privacy, Security and Technology in the 21st Century program at Georgetown University School of Law.
  • Stephane Turgeon - RCMP
    Sgt. Stephane Turgeon, RCMP Royal Canadian Mounted Police Sgt. Stéphane Turgeon has been a Member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police since 1998. He has performed general duty policing in the beautiful province of Nova Scotia for 6 years and then joined the A-Division Integrated Technological Crime Unit located in Otttawa, Ontario in April of 2004. Since then, he obtained the RCMP designation as a computer forensic examiner by successfully completing several computer forensic courses and certifications. He has conducted hundreds of computer crimes investigations and is now Acting in charge of the A-Division Integrated Technological Crime Unit, which is comprised of more than 20 Members from the RCMP, Ottawa Police Services and the Department of National Defence. The Unit is responsible for the investigation of pure computer crimes within the National Capital Region ( Ottawa area ) and the assistance to other specialized investigative sections, Units and the federal departments.
  • Gordon Snow - FBI
  • Ken Privette - USPS IG
    Ken Privette, USPS IG Special Agent in Charge Digital Evidence Services USPS Office of Inspector General Ken serves as the Special Agent in Charge of Digital Evidence Services (DES), a component of the United States Postal Service Office of Inspector General providing computer crime and digital forensics support to investigators from the United States Postal Service Office of Inspector General and Postal Inspection Service. He and his team of digital forensic examiners have pioneered state-of-the- art initiatives such as remote forensics and the development of forensic tools such as eInvestigator - an online forensic collaboration tool for sharing, parsing and searching digital evidence. Ken spent much of his professional life as a Special Agent with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service both overseas and state-side where he conducted investigations involving computer crime, terrorism, and counterintelligence matters. He has worked in assignments at the Department of Defense Computer Emergency Response Team and served as an instructor in the Computer Forensics, Investigation and Response course for the SANS Institute.
  • Paul Sternal - DCIS
    Paul Sternal, SA DCIS Special Agent Sternal is the cyber crimes program manager for the Defense Criminal Investigative Service. He began his law enforcement career in 1993 as a special agent with the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI), and was assigned to Yakota AB, Japan. During that time, he served as a computer crime investigator operating throughout the Pacific Rim at bases in Guam and Korea as well as Japan. In 1995, Paul entered the Air Force communications field, holding assignments at the Air Intelligence Agency in San Antonio, Texas and the White House Communications Agency in Washington, D.C. As a Reservist, he is currently a Lieutenant Colonel assigned to the Defense Information Systems Agency. In 2002, Paul joined DCIS as a computer crime investigator in the Mid-Atlantic Field Office. Since joining DCIS, he has specialized in high technology crime investigations and computer forensics. He has been intricately involved in several high-profile intrusion investigations. In 2004, he served a three month tour as a DCIS Special Agent with the Middle East Task Force - Baghdad, Iraq, Coalition Provisional Authority. SA Sternal is a graduate of George Washington University and holds a Bachelor's Degree in Computers and Information Systems. He holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration from Rutgers University and a Master of Public Policy degree from Georgetown University.
  • Jamie Turner - NCIS
    Jamie Turner, NCIS Senior Investigative Computer Specialist Jamie Turner is a Senior Investigative Computer Specialist for the Naval Criminal Investigative Service. He has over 20 years of professional experience in the cyber field with the last 10 years conducting computer crime investigations and operations. Jamie holds several IT and forensics certifications and is considered an one of the best experts for NCIS Cyber in the fields of computer forensics, mobile forensics, data recovery and court room testimony.
  • Rod Beckstrom - Ex-DHS
    Rod Beckstrom, Ex-DHS Rod Beckstrom is a highly successful entrepreneur, founder and CEO of a publicly-traded company, a best-selling author, avowed environmentalist, public diplomacy leader and, most recently, the head of a top-level federal government agency entrusted with protecting the nation's communication networks against cyber attack. Throughout 2008, Rod served as the Director of the National Cybersecurity Center (NCSC) at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, where he reported to the Secretary of DHS, and was charged with cooperating directly with the Attorney General, National Security Council, Secretary of Defense, and the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). Prior to joining DHS, he served on the DNI's Senior Advisory Group. Rod is unique in having experienced the inner workings of two, highly-charged, often competing, federal security agencies created in the wake of the September 11th attacks, an event that he says, "changed my life." Rod is widely regarded as a pre-eminent thinker and speaker on issues of cybersecurity and related global issues, as well as on organizational strategy and leadership. He is also an expert on how carbon markets and "green" issues affect business. While Director of the NCSC, Rod developed an effective working group of leaders from the nation's top six cybersecurity centers across the civilian, military and intelligence communities. His work led to his development of a new economic theory that provides an explicit model for valuing any network, answering a decades-old problem in economics. Rod co-authored four books including The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations, a best-selling model for analyzing organizations, leadership styles, and competitive strategy. The Starfish and the Spider has been translated into 16 foreign editions and is broadly quoted. At age 24, Rod started his first company in a garage apartment and, subsequently, grew it into a global enterprise with offices in New York, London, Tokyo, Geneva, Sydney, Palo Alto, Los Angeles, and Hong Kong. CATS Software Inc., went public and later sold. Nobel Laureates Myron Scholes and William F. Sharpe served on the company's boards of directors and advisors. While at CATS Rod helped advance the financial theory of "value at risk," now used globally for all key banking risk management. Rod co-edited the first book to introduce "value at risk." Rod also co-founded Mergent Systems, a pioneer in inferential database engines, which Commerce One later acquired for $200 million. He has co-launched other collaborations, software, and internet service businesses, as well. From 1999 to 2001, he served as Chairman of Privada, Inc, a leader in technology enabling private, anonymous, and secure credit card transactions over the internet. In 2003, Rod co-founded a global peace network of CEO's which initiated Track II diplomatic efforts between India and Pakistan. The group's symbolic actions opened the borders to people and trade, and contributed to ending the most recent Indo-Pak conflict. It's one of several non-profit groups and initiatives Rod has started. He now serves on the boards of the Environmental Defense Fund, which Fortune Magazine ranked as one of the seven most powerful boards in the world and Jamii Bora Trust an innovative micro-lending group in Africa with more than 200,000 members. He is a graduate of Stanford University with an MBA and a BA with Honors and Distinction. He served as Chairman of the Council of Presidents of the combined Stanford student body (ASSU) and was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland.
  • Jerry Dixon - Ex-DHS
    Jerry Dixon, Ex-DHS Director of Analysis Team Cymru Team Cymru is focused on supporting customers and conducting cyber-security research. Prior to that Mr. Dixon was appointed Director of the National Cyber Security Division on at Homeland Security where he also served as the Deputy Director of Operations for the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT). Mr. Dixon was instrumental in creating US-CERT, which serves America as the 24x7x365 cyber watch, warning, and incident response center that protects the cyber infrastructure by coordinating defense against and response to cyber attacks. Mr. Dixon led the initial development of US-CERT's capabilities for analyzing and reducing cyber threats and vulnerabilities, disseminating cyber threat warning information, and coordinating incident response activities across federal, state, local government agencies, and private sector organizations, making it Homeland Security's primary element of cyber preparedness and response. Before joining NCSD, Mr. Dixon was the founding director of the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) Computer Security Incident Response Capability. In this role, Mr. Dixon led their operational cyber security capability for the IRS and developed their ability to detect and respond to protect American taxpayer's private information from security attacks. Mr. Dixon has also served as Director of Information Security for Marriott International, a global private sector company, where he led cyber security planning, security architecture, and security operations. Mr. Dixon is a member of the InfraGard Maryland Members Alliance.
  • Andy Fried - Ex-IRS
    Andy Fried, Ex-IRS Security Researcher Internet Systems Consortium Andrew Fried is currently a security researcher with Internet Systems Consortium (ISC), a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation dedicated to supporting the Internet community with software and professional services essential to its infrastructure. Mr. Fried is also the CEO of Deteque, a consulting and solutions provider for mitigating online threats. In 2008, Mr Fried retired from the United States Department of the Treasury, where he had been a Senior Special Agent for twenty years. Throughout his career with Treasury, he was involved in computer and network security.
  • Greg Garcia - Ex-DHS
    Gregory T. Garcia, Ex-DHS President, Garcia Strategies, LLC Now President of Garcia Strategies, LLC, a strategic business and government affairs advisory services firm, Gregory (Greg) T. Garcia served as the nation's first Presidentially-appointed Assistant Secretary for Cyber Security and Communications (CS&C) for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, from 2006-2008. Garcia led the strategic direction of CS&C, overseeing a $500 million budget for the National Cyber Security Division, the Office of Emergency Communications and the National Communications System. During Garcia's tenure, DHS affirmed the urgency of cyber security across the nation and embarked on a comprehensive cyber initiative that will measurably strengthen the security of our nation's networks against domestic and international threats. He established the Office of Emergency Communications, which collaborated with stakeholders across the country to develop a first-ever National Emergency Communications Plan and 56 state and territory plans to drive interoperable emergency communications for our federal, state and local first responders. His organization enhanced the availability, resiliency and priority service of communications for national security and emergency preparedness needs, and in disaster-stricken areas such as the Gulf States in the aftermath of Hurricanes Ike and Gustav in 2008. Finally, he worked to integrate the Nation's overall cyber and communications security strategy to align with the evolving architecture and risk profile of our national information infrastructure. Prior to joining the Department, Garcia served as Vice President for Information Security Programs and Policy with the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), where, among other accomplishments, he worked with the Department of Homeland Security to co-found the National Cyber Security Partnership. Before joining ITAA in April 2003, Garcia served on the staff of the House Science Committee where he was responsible for industry outreach and information technology and cyber security policy. Garcia had a lead role under Chairman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) in drafting and shepherding the enactment of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act of 2002. Prior to his service on Capitol Hill, Garcia contributed to national policy development through several private sector organizations. He was the Director of 3Com Corporation's Global Government Relations Office in Washington, DC, where he established and managed all aspects of the company's strategic public policy formulation and advocacy. He served as Coalition Manager for Americans for Computer Privacy, a high profile grassroots policy advocacy campaign dedicated to overturning U.S. export and domestic use regulation of encryption technology. This effort was successful after just one year of intense lobbying and high-end media strategies. Garcia lobbied international trade policy for the American Electronics Association, including export controls, customs, European and multilateral trade negotiations. His first career position was as a consultant with Newmyer Associates, Inc., a public policy consulting firm where he advised on international trade policy for Fortune 500 clients. Garcia graduated with distinction from California State University at San Jose with a degree in Business Administration.
  • Jon Iadonisi - Ex-Navy
    Jon Iadonisi, Ex-Navy Seal Jon Iadonisi is the founder of White Canvas Group- a company that specializes in cultivating alternative and disruptive strategies. He has spent the past twenty years creating and applying new perspectives and strategies derived from leveraging computing technologies with scholarship. His diversified expertise and unique operational background has afforded him the opportunity to develop new capabilities within the US National Security arena. Prior to joining the private sector, Jon served as a Navy SEAL where he designed, planned and lead various combat operations creating new capabilities within the Special Operations Community and Central Intelligence Agency. He is a combat wounded and decorated veteran who earned a B.S. in Computer Science from the US Naval Academy, and M.S. in Homeland Security from San Diego State University. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and guest lectures at San Diego State University and Georgetown Law School. He enjoys reading, music, the outdoors, and wine. He is an academic and athletic all American and participated in the 2000 Olympic Rifle team trials.
  • Ray Kessenich - Ex-NCIS/DCITA
    Raymond J. Kessenich, SA Ex-NCIS/DCITA Special Agent Raymond Kessenich is currently the Director of Training, Centre for Training and Skills Development, International Multilateral Partnership Against Cyber Threats based out of Cyberjaya, Malaysia. Kessenich is retired from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service following more than 21 years of service. His last assignment was as the Director of the Defense Cyber Investigation Training Academy in Linthicum, MD. Special Agent Kessenich joined the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) in 1987 after serving for seven years as a Police Officer, the most recent as a Detective with the Polk County Sheriff's Department in Lakeland, FL. Since joining NCIS, he served as a Special Agent at NCISRA Jacksonville, Florida; Representational Resident Agent, NCISRU Key West, Florida; Special Agent at the NCIS Resident Agency, Subic Bay, Republic of the Philippines; Special Agent at NCISRA Okinawa, Japan; Resident Agent in Charge of the NCIS Resident Agency Brunswick, Maine; Investigator, US Senate, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, 106th Congress, Washington DC; Supervisory Special Agent, NCISHQ Counterintelligence Directorate; and as the Assistant Special Agent in Charge at the NCIS Field Office, Washington DC.
  • Kevin Manson - EX-FLETC
    Kevin Manson, Ex-DHS Secure Online Community Architect 1970's State Prosecutor and Magistrate. 1980's - Coined the term "Cybercop", Staff counsel on US Senate Judiciary Committee. 1990's - Co-founded Cybercop Portal, a Department of Homeland Security endorsed, secure online information sharing community with a DARPA pedigree serving over 12,000 law enforcement and industry users. Cybercop was founded to strengthen our nation's "CyberCivil Defense" as contemplated by Presidential Decision Directive 63 (URL: At the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), pioneered Internet investigations training and in the early 90's developed the Cybercop BBS, (Wildcat), the first online community for federal law enforcement agents. Designed, developed and deployed new training initiatives for "Digital Officer Safety", Data Mining and Internet Investigations for federal agents at the FLETC. (URL: 2000's - Co-Keynoted at Black Hat 2001 with FBI UNABOM'er profiler William Tafoya ("The elite are not those who destroy or cause havoc in cyberspace, but rather [those who work] to protect the Net," URL: ). "Meet the Fed" panelist. Member of the US Secret Service New York Electronic Crimes Task Force. Collaborating with field experimentation teams at the Naval Postgraduate School regarding Secure Trusted Proxy networks, UAV and Robotics technologies (Cooperative Operations and Applied Science and Technology Studies). Building Hastily formed technology accelerations teams for national security and public safety in support of those who serve behind the "thin digital blue line" with my group of "Usual Suspects."
  • Dr. Linton Wells II - NDU   as Lin Wells
    Linton Wells II, NDU Distinugished Research Professor Force Transformation Chair Dr. Linton Wells II is a Distinguished Research Professor and serves as the Transformation Chair at National Defense University (NDU). Prior to coming to NDU he served in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) from 1991 to 2007, serving last as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information Integration). In addition, he served as the Acting Assistant Secretary and DoD Chief Information Officer for nearly two years. His other OSD positions included Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence-C3I) and Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy Support) in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Policy). In twenty-six years of naval service, Dr. Wells served in a variety of surface ships, including command of a destroyer squadron and guided missile destroyer. In addition, he acquired a wide range of experience in operations analysis; Pacific, Indian Ocean and Middle East affairs; and C3I. Recently he has been focusing on STAR-TIDES, a research project focusing on affordable, sustainable support to stressed populations and public-private interoperability ( Dr. Wells was born in Luanda, Angola, in 1946. He was graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1967 and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in physics and oceanography. He attended graduate school at The Johns Hopkins University, receiving a Master of Science in Engineering degree in mathematical sciences and a PhD in international relations. He is also a 1983 graduate of the Japanese National Institute for Defense Studies in Tokyo, the first U.S. naval officer to attend there. Dr. Wells has written widely on security studies in English and Japanese journals. He co-authored Japanese Cruisers of the Pacific War, which was published in 1997. His hobbies include history, the relationship between policy and technology, and scuba diving. He has thrice been awarded the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service.
  • Jim Christy - DC3
    SA (Ret) Jim Christy, DC3 Director, Futures Exploration (FX) Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3) FX is responsible for informing and educating members of the other Department of Defense organizations, federal agencies, state and local law enforcement, international partners, the private sector, and academic institutions on the mission and activities of all DC3 programs. SA Christy is a retired Air Force Office of Special Investigations Computer Crime Investigator. SA Christy was an AFOSI computer crime investigator for over 18 years. In Oct 03, the Association of Information Technology Professionals, awarded SA Christy the 2003 Distinguished Information Science Award for his outstanding contribution through distinguished services in the field of information management. Previous recipients of this prestigious award include Adm. Grace Hopper, Gene Amdahl, H. Ross Perot, LtGen. Emmett Paige, Bill Gates, Lawrence Ellison, David Packard and Mitch Kapor. From 17 Sep 01 - 1 Nov 03 SA Christy was the Director of Operations, Defense Computer Forensics Lab, DC3. As the Dir of Ops for the DCFL he managed four sections with over 40 computer forensic examiners that supported Major Crimes & Safety, Counterintelligence and Counterterrorism, as well as Intrusions and Information Assurance cases for the Department of Defense. From May 98 - Sep 01 Mr. Christy was assigned to the Defense-wide Information Assurance Program, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control Communications and Intelligence (ASDC3I) as the Law Enforcement & Counterintelligence Coordinator and Infrastructure Protection Liaison. SA Christy served as the DoD Representative to the President's Infrastructure Protection Task Force (IPTF) from Sep 96 - May 98. The President signed Executive Order, 13010 on 15 Jul 96, creating IPTF to protect the Nation's critical infrastructure from both physical and cyber attacks. Prior to the IPTF, SA Christy was detailed to Senator Sam Nunn's staff on the Senate, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations as a Congressional Fellow, Jan - Aug 96. Senator Nunn specifically requested SA Christy's assistance for the Subcommittee to prepare for hearings in May - Jul 1996, on the vulnerability and the threat to National Information Infrastructure from cyberspace. SA Christy authored the Subcommittee's investigative report and testified twice before the Subcommittee.


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