Cracking the Poor and the Rich: Discovering the Relationship Between Physical and Network Security

Presented at DEF CON 17 (2009), Aug. 2, 2009, 1 p.m. (20 minutes).

Is there a relationship between physical and network security? this presentation tries to uncover some information about the possible relationship between physical and network security by looking at how the rich and the poor in Venezuela implement both physical tools (like electric fences, bulletproof windows, etc) and network wireless encryption techniques (WPA2, WPA, WEP, none). By using simple tools like Kismet, a laptop, and a really fast car the speaker sniffs the wireless networks of both the dangerous slums and the rich areas and uncovers an interesting relationship between them both.


  • Damian Finol
    Damian Finol is a systems engineer graduated from the Rafael Belloso Chacin University in Venezuela, currently living in Caracas, Venezuela works as a Information Security Specialist at one of the country's top 3 banks doing vulnerability assessment, risk management and other IT Security related processes. Currently doing a masters in computer science with the Simon Bolivar University in Caracas with a Major in Distributed Systems and parallelism, also teaches Databases, Information Security and Distributed Systems at the Nueva Esparta University in Caracas. Finally Damian Finol is a volunteer with the Wikimedia Foundation serving in the Chapter's Committee since 2006.


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