Click Fraud Detection with Practical Memetics

Presented at DEF CON 15 (2007), Aug. 4, 2007, noon (50 minutes).

"Click Fraud Detection with Practical Memetics" is an evolution of my previous Defcon presentations. The original Meme Miner program and Meme Theory were enhanced for better predictive ability which led to an accidental detection of "Pay-Per-Click" advertising fraud. This presentation includes expanded overview of Meme Theory, real-life example of Botnet click fraud, strategies to detect memetic inconsistencies in network propagation, strategies to deceive existing detection schemes and future "Pay-Per-Click" fraud issues. See for more.


  • Broward Horne - Software Consultant
    Broward Horne is a software consultant with a diverse IT background, doing contract work for Unigard, Nike, JP Morgan, Verizon, Transcore and the US Department of Transportation, a former employee of several large corporations (Hewlett Packard, Avnet, Teradyne, Litton) and two startup companies. His projects include network construction and administration, prototype wireless LANs, prototype pen-top software, CRM software, e-commerce, insurance and banking enterprise applications. He began data-mining & business intelligence in 1993 as a career guidance tool and has slowly expanding the scope and strategy of Meme Theory. See for more.


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