Old Skewl Hacking - InfraRed

Presented at DEF CON 13 (2005), July 30, 2005, 4 p.m. (50 minutes).

Infra Red is all around us. Most of us will use an Infra Red controller on more or less a daily basis, to change the TV channel, or open a car or garage door, but how often have you thought about how it actually works? This talk will describe not only how to analyse the signals being sent by your remote, but also how to use that information to find hidden commands and reveal functions you didn't even know your systems had. You will learn how to brute force garage doors, car doors, hotel pay-per-view TV systems, take over LED signs, vending machines and even control alarm systems, using cheap or home made devices and free software...


  • Adam Laurie / Major Malfunction as Major Malfunction
    Major Malfunction is a security professional by day, and a White Hat hacker by night. He is a good example of what happens to TheGoodGuys(TM) when you force them to travel, eat junk food, drink too much coffee, and stay in cheap hotels. If your hotel has a hole in it, Major Mal will find it... He has been involved in DEFCON, as a Goon, since DC5, and the computer industry since the early Eighties. He was co-founder of the world's first full time Internet pirate radio station, InterFACE, and wrote the first ever CD ripper, 'CDGRAB', disproving the industry lie that computers could not read music CDs. In his spare time, he likes to play with guns. Big guns. Little guns. As long as it goes BANG, it will be his friend, and he will love it, care for it, and feed it plenty of ammo. Let him fondle your weapon, and you'll have a friend for life...


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