Introduction to Lockpicking and Physical Security

Presented at DEF CON 13 (2005), July 30, 2005, 11 a.m. (110 minutes).

Physical security isn't just a concern of the IT world. Besides securing server rooms, locks of all sizes and styles are scattered throughout our lives. However, much of the general public is unaware of the insecurities present in many lock designs. Through discussion and direct example, Deviant Ollam will address the strengths and weaknesses of standard pin tumbler locks, combination locks, warded locks, wafer locks, and more. Discussion of effective tools, advanced techniques, master key theory, and lesser-known picking techniques will also be covered. This talk is aimed at lockpick novices who are interested in better security and learning lockpicking skills. While always the first to admit that he's no Barry Wels, Deviant hopes to have a good time with this lockpick talk and looks forward to hand-on audience participation. Many styles of practice locks and picks will be made available.


  • Deviant Ollam
    While paying the bills as a network engineer, Deviant Ollam's first and strongest love has always been teaching. Employed periodically at schools in the greater Philadelphia area, he is presently a student at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in the hopes of tacking some actual letters to his name and doing the professor gig full time. A fanatical supporter of First Amendment rights who believes that the best way to increase security is to publicly disclose vulnerabilities, Deviant has given lockpick demonstrations at other con events and various schools.



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