Drones, the New Threat from the Sky

Presented at DeepSec 2018 „I like to mov &6974,%bx“, Unknown date/time (Unknown duration)

I will talk about drones. Drone risks and countermeasures. Drones have become an inherent risk not just for critical infrastructure but also public events (sports, concerts) and privacy. I will speak about the exclusive risk catalogue I have developed for a small highly secialised startup called DroneGuard. The catalogue contains over 140 detailed drone related risks. From payload of drones (explosives, chemicals, etc.) to cyberrisks like Signal Hacking & Disruption (WiFi, GSM, Bluetooth, RFID, etc.). Since Deepsec is a more technically oriented event I will highlight the risk management frame work, my experience with our personal payload drone and the cyber risks. This talk will help you if you have to protect critical infrastructure from a physical perspective, or if you have to protect yourself or your company from privacy implications.


  • Dom (D#FU5E) Brack - Reputelligence
    Dominique C. Brack is a recognized expert in information security, including identity theft, social media exposure, data breach, cyber security, human manipulation and online reputation management. He is a highly qualified, top-performing professional with outstanding experience and achievements within key IT security, risk and project management roles, confirming expertise in delivering innovative, customer-responsive projects and services in highly sensitive environments on an international scale. Mr. Brack is accessible, real, professional, and provides topical, timely and cutting edge information. Dominique's direct and to-the-point tone of voice can be counted on to capture attention, and - most importantly - inspire and empower action.


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