Uncovering your trails. Privacy issues of bluetooth devices.

Presented at DeepSec 2013 „Secrets, Failures, and Visions“, Unknown date/time (Unknown duration)

Bluetooth devices are ubiquitous. However, until recently, there were no tools to perform bluetooth wardriving. Considering that each cell phone usually identifies one person and that the position of these devices can be stored, it is possible to extract and visualize people's behavior. Most people is not aware that their bluetooth device allows to easily abuse their privacy. A new tool called Bluedriving is presented to capture and store the position and information of bluetooth devices. The devices can be visualized on a map and different alerts can be used to follow people in the street. We present the tool along with a large capture dataset and a deep privacy analysis. We conclude that it is possible to follow people using their bluetooth device.


  • Garcia Sebastian - MatesLab Hackspace
    Sebastián García is co-founder of the Mateslab HackSpace in Argentina and a PhD student in the UNICEN University in Argentina and the ATG of CVUT Univeristy in Czech Republic. His research interests include network-based botnet behavior detection, bluetooth analysis, anomaly detection, penetration testing, honeypots, malware detection and keystroke dynamics. His recent projects focus on using unsupervised and semi-supervised machine learning techniques to detect botnets on large networks based on their behavioral models.
  • Veronica Valeros - MatesLab Hackspace   as Verónica Valeros
    Veronica Valeros is one of the founders of the MatesLab Hackerspace, the first hackerspace in Mar del Plata, Argentina. She is actually based on Czech Republic. Her passion lies on information security and privacy, python programming, networking analysis, lockpicking and traveling. Her work is focused now on malware research and anomaly detection.


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