You Can Get There From Here: Career Pathing in Cyber

Presented at CactusCon 12 (2024), Feb. 17, 2024, 3:30 p.m. (45 minutes).

Think that you are stuck in your current security or non-security role and can't get to the elusive perfect one? Think again! This session will share tips, tricks and methods to planning out your career paths (based on your interests and aspirations) rather than feeling stuck because of where you may currently be. You'll hear about others who have taken all sorts of crazy paths to get where they are in cybersecurity and walk away with some tangible options to focus on yourself.


  • Kristy Westphal - Cybersecurity Leader/Mentor/Teacher
    Kristy Westphal is a versatile information technology professional with specific experience in providing advisory and management services in the area of information security and risk and is currently employed as an Independant Security Consultant. She was formerly employed as the Vice President, Security Operations at a financial services company. Specializing in leadership and program development, her specific expertise in security areas includes process analysis, risk assessments, security awareness programs, operating system security, network security, incident handling, vulnerability analysis, and policy development.


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