Building Your CyberSecurity Career: For Newcomers, Career Changers, or Stale Jobs

Presented at CactusCon 12 (2024), Feb. 16, 2024, 10 a.m. (45 minutes).

Join us for an introduction to the field in where and how to get started, what the industry business drivers are, and where and how to engage in opportunities. We will help you actively engage in cybersecurity, where the professionals live, help you represent yourself visibly and actively in the marketplace, while becoming active in the right places, and leveraging your resources for the best results. This includes inputs on education opportunities, career goals, and how to get connected. We will help you get started and create a path in the forest, while paring the forest down to the business need and your current interests. We will help you create visibility and a platform to stand out on your own, while presenting options for successful degree programs, learning and certification. We will guide on the value and ways to gain experience and entry to the field. We will help you identify low hanging fruit, fit current staffing challenges to your own growth plan, and create your own career plan to enter the field, so you can take the journey forward into the future.


  • DebbieC - 30 year cybersecurity veteran
    Fortune 500 Enterprise Security Manager with experience across the US, Europe and Asia. CISSP, CISM, CCSK. Strategic security leader and consultant. Published author. CISM Certification Exam Prep workshop facilitation 2005-2018 for ISACA Phoenix. CISSP past workshop leader. ISSA Distinguished Fellow. ISSA Women in Security Special Interest Group Co-Chair. 10-year ISSA International Board Director member through that included 8 years leading the CISO Advisory Council for the CISO Executive Forum. Founder of the local Cloud Security Alliance chapter. Host and executive director for 2016 and 2018 ATW Southwest Summit for women in technology. Most recently supported the Cloud Security Alliance as an independent consultant. Published author.


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