Keynote - The cyber short. A market solution for product safety and corporate governance

Presented at BruCON 0x09 (2017), Oct. 5, 2017, 10 a.m. (60 minutes).

The Bug Short: What I learned on the way to Wall Street. *Justine Bone presents the world's first ever cyber security-backed short position. * As CEO of MedSec, Justine and her team successfully utilized cybersecurity research to impact company performance. Working in partnership with the Muddy Waters investment fund, Justine changed the calculus of how security experts can invest, conduct, and deliver research. Justine describes the factors, gotchas, and preparation required to embark and execute on such a project, enacting a new way to monetize vulnerabilities and address the dysfunctional market around product security.


  • Justine Bone
    Justine is a recovering vulnerability researcher and security executive with background in software security research, risk management, information security governance, and identity management. Justine currently serves as the CEO of cyber-security company MedSec, a vulnerability research and security solutions company focused on medical devices and healthcare systems. Her previous roles include Global Chief Information Security Officer at Dow Jones, a News Corporation company and publisher of the Wall Street Journal, Global Head of Information and Physical Security at Bloomberg L.P., CTO of Secured Worldwide, an NYC-based FinTech company, and CEO of security research firm Immunity Inc. Justine is an experienced international media and conference presenter, an invited member of the BlackHat USA guest review board, a pwnie awards judge, an advisor to several technology startups, and an advisor to the Canadian security conference Countermeasures. She began her career as a vulnerability researcher with Internet Security Systems (now IBM) X-Force and New Zealand’s Government Communications Security Bureau. She also has a background in the performing arts as an ex-dancer with the Royal New Zealand Ballet company.


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