Cautious: A New Exploitation Method! No Pipe but as Nasty as Dirty Pipe

Presented at Black Hat USA 2022, Aug. 11, 2022, 1:30 p.m. (40 minutes)

Dirty pipe is the name given to the CVE-2022-0847 vulnerability, present in Linux kernel versions 5.8 and later. It is considered a very serious vulnerability found in the Linux kernel recently partially because it gives a bad actor the ability to escalate privilege but more importantly, its exploitation has no headache in dealing with kernel address randomization and pointer integrity check. With this capability, the exploit built on top of the dirty pipe could be easily used for all versions of kernel affected without even modification.

While dirty pile is powerful, its exploitability is closely tied to the capability of the CVE-2022-0847 vulnerability which abuses the Linux kernel pipe mechanism to inject data to arbitrary files. For other vulnerabilities without such a pipe-abusive power, the exploitation is still hard to follow the dirty pipe journey and thus brings the same level of security implication.

In this talk, we present a novel exploitation method pushing the dirty pipe to the next level. To be specific, given a vulnerability with a double-free ability, we will demonstrate that our exploitation method could obtain the dirty-pipe-like ability to overwrite an arbitrary file to escalate privilege. Exploits utilizing our method inherit the advantage of the dirty pipe that the code would work on any version of the kernel affected without modification. We argue that our new exploitation method is not only more general than the dirty pipe but also more powerful. First, rather than tying to a specific vulnerability, this exploitation method allows any vulnerabilities with double-free ability to demonstrate dirty-pipe-like ability. Second, while it is like the dirty pipe that could bypass all the kernel protections, our exploitation method could even demonstrate the ability to escape the container actively that dirty pipe is not capable of.

Along with this talk, we will demonstrate how our exploitation method works using real world vulnerabilities. Specifically, we will demonstrate privilege escalation on Linux and Android. Last but not least, we will demonstrate how to achieve container escape on CentOS. We will release our exploitation details and all of our exploits demonstrated in this talk. To the best of our knowledge, our exploitation is the first general method that helps develop a universal exploit to different versions of kernel and different architectures. It greatly unloads the burden of exploit migration across versions and architectures. Since our exploitation is general and powerful, it also imposes a great challenge to the existing kernel defense architecture.


  • Xinyu Xing - Associate Professor, Northwestern University
    Dr. Xinyu Xing is an Assistant Professor at Northwestern University. His research interest includes exploring, designing, and developing new techniques to assess and robustify software. In addition, he is also interested in exploring AI techniques to perform highly accurate binary and malware analysis. His past research has been featured by many mainstream media, such as Technology Review, New Scientists, and NYTimes, etc.
  • Yuhang Wu - PhD Student, Northwestern University
    Yuhang Wu is a first-year PhD student advised by Dr. Xinyu Xing at Northwestern University. His research interests are network protocol security and system security.
  • Zhenpeng Lin - PhD Student, Northwestern University
    Zhenpeng Lin is a PhD student at Northwestern University, advised by Dr. Xinyu Xing. His research focuses on OS exploitation and defense. He loves hacking in the real world. As a winner at Pwn2Own, he has demonstrated many Linux kernel exploitation on Google's products (COS) through KCTF. As a CTF player, he won many honors and achieved 7th at DEF CON CTF 2021 Finals. As a researcher, his work about exploitation and improving exploitation capability was published at CCS 2020, NDSS 2022, and S&P 2022.


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