Despite my best efforts in 2011, IBM/Trusteeer Rapport is still doing the rounds in the UK banking community. Having concentrated on what was at that time OS-X related issues with only hints at the Windows issues, no one seemed to pick up the mantle to prove the remainder of Trusteer Rapport nothing more than snake oil. In the intervening years Trusteer have been hard at work improving their backdoors after their acquisition by IBM for a cool $1 billion in September 2013, quite the price to pay indeed. In this talk I’ll cover the historical state of, what was, the MacOS implementation since a recent disclosure resulted in IBM/Trusteer fixing the issues by performing a simple ‘rm -rf’ of the Kernel components (CVE-2018-1985) and the current state of play for the Windows components, the result of which is hopefully the ‘rm -rf’ of the Windows components.