Sharad Popli is the CTO and founding director of QuantumLink Communications Pvt. Ltd. (QLC), a five year old software company (based in Bombay, India), with a focus on Internet technologies and a specialization in Java. Sharad, an old timer on the Net (more than 10 years now) is the chief architect behind PostMaster, a popular mailserver with more than 1500 installations across the world. A strong advocate of Open Source, he has been an early adopter of various open source technologies and software (including Linux since its 1.0 days and PHP when it was known as PHP/FI :)) Sharad writes from time to time (when persuaded enough!) His articles have appeared in most publications in India and also on CNETs international sites. He is an oft-invited speaker at various seminars and conferences and has addressed numerous conventions on subjects including: Java Technologies, Servlets, Linux, Email, Security issues, MTAs on Linux, Advertising on the Net, and other generic net-based topics. When not ensnared by the Net, he enjoys reading, music and the great outdoors.