Rich Drushel

Rich got his first Coleco ADAM computer in 1988 when he saved his Dad's buggy Revision 59 system from the trash. Working on his own, he reverse-engineered a commented source code listing for the operating system ROMs and wrote various utility programs in SmartBASIC until discovering a local users group on the Cleveland Freenet in 1990. He helped to run ADAMcon IV in 1992 and while there learned that (1) there was a large international ADAM community, and (2) he had technical knowledge about ADAM internals that nobody else did. Since then, Rich has attended all but one ADAMcon, chaired ADAMcon XIII, worked on many hardware and software projects, and amassed a large collection of original Coleco documentation and prototypes. In real life, "Dr. D." teaches anatomy, physiology, and autonomous robotics, and develops 3-D computer models of feeding in giant marine slugs. It goes without saying that he has found productive ways to use his ADAMs at work.
