Paul Wouters has been involved with Linux networking and security since he cofounded the Dutch ISP Xtended Internet back in 1996, where he started working with FreeS/WAN IPsec in 1999 and with DNSSEC for the .nl domain in 2001. He has presented papers at BlackHat, SANS, DefCon, CCC, and many other conferences around the world. He designed and deployed the then largest outdoor WiFi deployment at HAL in The Netherlands in 2001. Paul cofounded Xelerance in 2003, focusing on IPsec, DNSSEC, Radius, as well as delivering trainings. He published his first book this year on running IPsec on Linux and Windows/OSX entitled Building and Integrating Virtual Private Networks with Openswan. In his spare time, Paul maintains various Fedora Extras packages and the Windows port of the Off-the-Record plugin for Windows.