Luyi Xing

Dr. Luyi Xing joined Indiana University Bloomington (IUB) as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science after three years of experience in building large commercial systems at Amazon. Now, he is leading the System Security Group at IUB with Prof. XiaoFeng Wang and Prof. Xiaojing Liao. His group is known to be one of the top productive system security teams in the world in terms of publishing at top 4 security conferences.​ His research interests include discovering new types of design and logic flaws on commodity systems involving IoT, cloud, iOS, OS X, Android, browsers/Web, etc., and popular applications on them. He then invents solutions to protect real-world users of these systems. His research on OS X, iOS, Android and AWS was reported by Time, CNN, Forbes, Mirror, Fox News, Yahoo, CNET, The Register and more. The official blog of Facebook and 1Password discussed his research on authentication security. Apple, Android, Chrome, AWS, Facebook, Dropbox, Evernote, etc. acknowledged his vulnerability discoveries and efforts to protect their users.

