K.C. Yerrid

K.C. Yerrid is an independent consultant with a wide range of experience in information security, organizational behavior, and psychology. With his undergraduate degree in Computer Science, he can bang out a mean Turbo Pascal or COBOL program. With his Master’s Degree in Information Security Management (MISM) he can tell you what is wrong with an organization’s security department. With his Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA), he can forecast and explain how you don’t have enough money allocated to your security departments initiatives. Finally, upon his completion of his Doctorate in Organizational Management within Information Technology, he will be able to tell you why your staff is leaving for greener pastures or how to make them work smarter. K.C. has deferred his student loans nearly as far as he can by remaining an active student in studying the hands-off aspects of information security, yet is just curious and resourceful enough to remain semi-relevant amongst techies that are much smarter than he is.

