Karen Worstell

Karen Worstell devotes her career to two things: cybersecurity and helping others succeed in the tech world. As a 30 year tech executive, including Silicon Valley CEO and serial CISO for companies including Microsoft, she understands the challenges of working in Tech cultures that are typically dominated by a non-diverse leadership team. Her experience as a successful technologist, consultant, top level executive coach, and care provider in crisis and trauma combined to develop and deliver workshop experiences for women and non-binary individuals in Tech roles that attendees call "transformational." Karen's background includes BS degrees in Chemistry and Molecular Biology, MS degrees in Computer Science and Theology, and advanced training in clinical pastoral care and executive coaching. Since 1990, she has spoken on cybersecurity in venues across Asia-Pacific, Europe and the US and is the founder of MOJO Maker for Women in Tech, a women's leadership program. She and her husband Craig live in Lone Tree, CO.
