Jonathan Curtis

Jonathan Curtis, a member of the Norse Field Engineering Team, was the Director of Solutions and Intelligence within the Compliance and Enforcement Sector at the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). Mr. Curtis has years of experience addressing the toxic abuse problems of the Internet from both public and private sector perspectives. Prior to the CRTC, Jonathan was Director of Security Products at Nominum, building solutions to mitigate malicious activities on carrier networks. Mr. Curtis started his career at Bell Canada where he was an Associate Director with Technology Development with leadership responsibilities of ISP Safety and Network Security for 13 years. Mr. Curtis is also one of the founders of the Messaging, Malware, and Mobile Anti-abuse Working Group - an international organization of experts that focuses on curbing messaging abuse and has now expanded to tackle telephony abuse. Finally Mr. Curtis was founder of the Notational Cyber Forensics and Training Alliance Canada.

