John and Laura Leita

John Leita aka Archivist graduated with a bachelors in engineering from SUNY Stony Brook. He has done some work for Brookhaven National Labs as well as other engineering companies. He has been an avid urban explorer for many years and is currently editor and webmaster for Long Island Oddities, a magazine and website devoted to odd finds, urban exploring, and forgotten history. Much like many urban explorers, he also shares a strong love of computers and hacking. Laura Cummings-Leita aka ShadowCat graduated with a bachelors in English from SUNY Stony Brook. Since then she has held various jobs from computer instructor for the blind to English teacher. She is now coeditor and webmaster of Long Island Oddities, a magazine and website dedicated to the strange and unusual on Long Island. She has been an avid urban explorer for many years.
