Jaeki Kim

Jaeki Kim Jaeki Kim graduated from the 'Next Generation of Top Security Leader Program' (Best of Best, BoB) at the Korea Information Technology Institute (KITRI) in 2013, and holds a Master's degree from Korea University's Security Analysis and Evaluation Lab. Before joining the Financial Security Institute, he worked on mobile security for a private security company. He also has experience in working as a digital forensic expert for the National Election Commission. In 2016, he joined the Financial Security Institute, and is currently working in the Computer Emergency Analysis Team. As a member of the 'koreanbadass' team, he made it to the Finals of the DEFCON CTF in 2017 and 2018, and now also works as a mentor for KITRI's BoB program. Jaeki is the main author of the threat intelligence report "Campaign DOKKAEBI: Documents of Korean and Evil Binary", published by FSI in 2018. @2RunJack2

