Innokentii Sennovskii

Innokentii Sennovskii has 5 years of information security experience primarily in the fields of reverse engineering and system programming. He is a senior computer forensics specialist at BiZone LLC and a visiting lecturer at Harbour.Space University for Technology and Design (Barcelona, Spain). His primary interests lie in the fields of cryptography, reverse engineering, and exploitation. He discovered a vulnerability in Intel CPUs (Meltdown Variant 3a, CVE-2018-3640). Innokentiy is a part of LCBC CTF team; before joining BiZone, he won first place as part of this team in CTFZone competition. This year he won Insomnihack CTF as a part of the LCBC team. He has also placed second in PHDays VI car hacking competition as well as the latest PHDays' HackBattle competition. Denis Kolegov is a principal security researcher at BiZone LLC and an associate professor of Computer Security at Tomsk State University. His research focuses on network security, web application security, cryptography engineering, and covert communications. He holds a PhD and an associate professor degree. Denis presented at various international security conferences including Power of Community, Area41, SecurityFest, Zero Nights, Positive Hack Days, InsomniHack, and SibeCrypt.

