Esther Payne

**Esther Payne** is an IT professional with over 20 years of experience and a BSc (Hons) in computer science from Robert Gordon University. She then discovered she preferred people rather than programming. Having worked with all sizes of businesses and across various industries, her interest has always been on how to make computing more accessible to the masses. She believes that no matter what your age, you can use Linux and free software. As a user of Kubuntu for 12 years, she likes the freedom of Ubuntu and all of its variant distributions. She works with hosting and IT support companies, as well as interesting open source projects. Currently Esther is a part of the LibrecastLive team, a project funded by NLnet for the European Union's Next Generation Internet Initiative as a community and privacy advocate. Having been in open source for over a decade, she believes that anyone can contribute to a project, as everyone has a different skill to bring to a project. The more the merrier. Esther is looking forward to the next stage of the Internet and to help bring it back to its decentralized roots.<br>
