Enrico Frumento

His research activity started at CEFRIEL (www.cefriel.com) in the field of e-health service and telemedicine systems where he contributed with most of his scientific production. Since 1998, he moved his research interests towards wearable electronic systems and unconventional security. Thanks to his participation to several European projects and specialized task forces, he gained a strong experience in the area of cyber-crime and unconventional security. He is actually working as a member of the CEFRIEL's security research team, which is continuing the innovation mission of the centre in the security area (bridge the research to the enterprises to help their innovation needs). He actually contributes with his research on Secure Code Development, hacking/cracking techniques (Reverse Code Engineering and Code Hardening) and social engineering evolutions. Moreover, in collaboration with the CEFRIEL security team, he conducted several on-field Social Vulnerability Assessments with big enterprises. He is also member of the DCC (Microsoft Digital Crime Community) and participates to the EECTF (European Electronic Crime Task Force).
